Unlock Wellness: Your Path Beyond Autoimmune Symptoms

Join us for four transformative sessions to understand your autoimmune journey, address root causes, and discover practical steps to reduce symptoms and reclaim your health

Address the causes of autoimmune disease

From brain fog to digestive issues, many people brush off symptoms that could be early warning signs of autoimmune activity. Understanding the spectrum can help you connect the dots.
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Heal the Gut

Restore intestinal health through healing the gut barrier, balancing the microbiome, and identifying food triggers that contribute to inflammation
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Clear Environmental Triggers

Reduce your total body burden by identifying and eliminating environmental toxins, infections, and stressors that can trigger or worsen autoimmune responses.
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Balance The Immune System

Support your body's natural immune regulation through targeted nutrition, stress reduction, and lifestyle modifications that promote optimal immune function.

Clear away the confusion

From brain fog to digestive issues, many people brush off symptoms that could be early warning signs of autoimmune activity. Understanding the spectrum can help you connect the dots

About Dawn Mills

Dawn is an Applied Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner and a graduate of both the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and the School of Applied Functional Medicine.  She applies the principles of Functional Medicine, finding the root cause of a disease dynamic, to her coaching, educating her clients, and helping them make the lifestyle changes necessary to address issues such as autoimmune disease, insulin resistance, hormone imbalance, gut health, and infertility. 


All the Details

Wellness Beyond Autoimmune Symptoms

Four - 45 minute Classes:

  • Monday 3/3 12 Noon EST
  • Monday 3/10 12 Noon EST
  • Monday 3/17 12 Noon EST 
  • Monday 3/24 12 Noon EST

These classes will be recorded so if you can’t make this day/time - no problem!

Four - 45-minute Group Discussions (not recorded for privacy)

  • Thursday 3/6 12 Noon EST
  • Thursday 3/13 12 Noon EST
  • Thursday 3/20 12 Noon EST
  • Thursday 3/27 12 Noon EST



Cost: $195

Class Includes:

  • Free cookbook shipped to you full of healthy and delicious recipes
  • 50% discount on Health History consultation for anyone wanting one-on-one coaching ($150 value)

We will explore:

  • What is an autoimmune disease?
  • I’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease - how can I get better?
  • I have not been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, but I struggle with fatigue, losing weight, poor sleep, gut discomfort, skin issues, or I just don’t feel well - how can I support my health and avoid an autoimmune disease?

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